
jrnr is a python library currently configured to work on systems using slurm workload managers. If your computing workflows can be parallelized, jrnr can help.

jrnr is an application that relies on click, the python command line tool.

At the top of your python module add this to the import section:

from jrnr.jrnr import slurm_runner

Interactive mode

Frequently, you’ll want to do some basic debugging and iteration to make sure your batch jobs will run as expected. To assist this process, jrnr has an interactive mode that allows you to run a single job in an ipython session.

In [1]: import tas

In [2]: tas.make_tas.run_interactive(42)

2018-01-10 17:01:55,001 Beginning job
kwargs: { 'model': 'NorESM1-M', 'scenario': 'rcp45', 'year': '2054'}
2018-01-10 17:02:43,733 beginning
2018-01-10 17:02:43,733 producing_tas
Dimensions:  (lat: 720, lon: 1440, time: 365)
  * lon      (lon) float32 -179.875 -179.625 -179.375 -179.125 -178.875 ...
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2054-01-01T12:00:00 2054-01-02T12:00:00 ...
  * lat      (lat) float32 -89.875 -89.625 -89.375 -89.125 -88.875 -88.625 ...
Data variables:
    tas      (time, lat, lon) float32 272.935 272.937 272.931 272.911 ...
    version:         1.0
    frequency:       annual
    oneline:         Average Daily Temperature, tavg
    year:            2054
    write_variable:  tas
    description:     Average Daily Temperature, tavg\n\n Average Daily Temper...
    execute:         python run
    project:         gcp
    team:            climate
    dependencies:    ['/global/scratch/groups/co_laika/gcp/climate/nasa_bcsd/...
    model:           NorESM1-M

As you can see, if you setting up logging, the logging information will print to wherever you direct stdout. In this case, ininteractive mode, it prints to the ipython terminal. In batch mode, jrnr logs can be found in the directory you specified as run-{job_name}-{job_id}-{task-id}.log.

Running your job in batch mode

The slurm_runner decorator function in jrnr acts as a wrapper around your main function. Make sure that above your main function you have added @slurm_runner(). With this enabled, you can use the command line to launch your jobs on the slurm workload manager.

Make sure you are in the directory where your python module is located. Let’s say we are running the job specified in Example jrnr script. Let’s look at what the help function does.

$ python --help


  --help  Show this message and exit.


We can see that this will give us the list of options. Let’s look at run.


Let’s first have a look at the options with the run command.

$ python run --help

Usage: run [OPTIONS]

  -l, --limit INTEGER          Number of iterations to run
  -n, --jobs_per_node INTEGER  Number of jobs to run per node
  -x, --maxnodes INTEGER       Number of nodes to request for this job
  -j, --jobname TEXT           name of the job
  -p, --partition TEXT         resource on which to run
  -d, --dependency INTEGER
  -L, --logdir TEXT            Directory to write log files
  -u, --uniqueid TEXT          Unique job pool id
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

The most important options are u, j and L. To specify a job you need u and j since these parameters uniquely identify a job and allow you to track the progress of your jobs. An example command is below

$ python run -u 001 -j tas

This creates a job with a unique id of 001 and a job name of tas.

By specifying some of the options listed above, you can adjust the behavior of your slurm jobs. For example, you can put your log files in a specific directory by specifying a value for argument L. Additionally, if you want to use a specific partition on your cluster you can speify the p option. Similarly, if your job is particularly compute intensive, with n you can adjust the number of jobs per node.

$ python run -u 001 -j tas -L /logs/tas/ -p savio2_bigmem -n 10

Its important to note that, by default, log files will be written to the directory where you are executing the file. Depending on how large your job is you may want to put these log files elsewhere.

If you want to fully take advantage of BRC’s computing capacity you can run

$ python run -u 001 -j tas -L /logs/tas/ -p savio_bigmem -n 10
  run job: 98
  on-finish job: 99
$ python run -u 001 -j tas -L /logs/tas/ -p savio2_bigmem -n 10
  run job: 100
  on-finish job: 101
$ python run -u 001 -j tas -L /logs/tas/ -p savio2 -n 5
  run job: 104
  on-finish job: 105
$ python run -u 001 -j tas -L /logs/tas/ -p savio -n 5
  run job: 106
  on-finish job: 107

How many jobs should you run on each node?

To determine this, you’ll need to divide the amount of memory per node by the amount of memory required by your job. To determine the amount of memory per node, you can look at the Savio user guide. For example, if I have a job that requires 6GB of RAM and I am running on the savio2_bigmem partition. Then we’ll add 2GB of buffer to our 6GB RAM requirement and take the result of 128/8 to get 16 jobs.


You launched your job 10 minutes ago and you want to check on the status of your jobs. We can check with the status option. Let’s look again at our file.

$ python status -u 001 -j tas

jobs:          4473
done:          3000
in progress:   1470
errored:          3

Notice that we use the unique id 001 and the jobname tas that we used when we created the job. You must use these values or we cannot compute the progress of our job.

Technical note

How does this jrnr track the status of my jobs?

In your directory where you are running your job, jrnr creates a locks directory. In this locks directory, for each job in your set of batch jobs a file is created with the following structure {job_name}-{unique_id}-{job_index}. When a node is working on a job, it adds the .lck file extension to the file. When the job is completed, it converts the .lck extension to a .done extension. If, for some reason, the job encounters an error, the extension will shift to .err. When you call the status command jrnr is just displaying the count of files with each file extension in the locks directory.

How does jrnr construct a job specification?

Each jrnr job can be specified with arguments from key, value dictionaries. Since these arguments are taken from a set of known possible inputs we can take each key and its associated set of possible values and compute the cartesian product of every key, value combination. In the background of jrnr, we take lists of dictionaries and use the python method itertools.product to specify the superset of possible batch jobs. A demonstration is below:

In [1]: def generate_jobs(job_spec):
          for specs in itertools.product(*job_spec):
            yield _unpack_job(specs)

In [2]: def _unpack_job(specs):
            job = {}
            for spec in specs:
            return job

In [3]: MODELS = list(map(lambda x: dict(model=x), [

In [4]: PERIODS = (
        [dict(scenario='historical', year=y) for y in range(1981, 2006)] +
        [dict(scenario='rcp45',  year=y) for y in range(2006, 2100)])

In [5]: job_spec = [PERIODS, MODELS]

In [6]: jobs = list(generate_jobs(job_spec))

In [7]: jobs[:100:10]
[{'model': 'ACCESS1-0', 'scenario': 'historical', 'year': 1981},
{'model': 'BNU-ESM', 'scenario': 'historical', 'year': 1983},
{'model': 'ACCESS1-0', 'scenario': 'historical', 'year': 1986},
{'model': 'BNU-ESM', 'scenario': 'historical', 'year': 1988},
{'model': 'ACCESS1-0', 'scenario': 'historical', 'year': 1991},
{'model': 'BNU-ESM', 'scenario': 'historical', 'year': 1993},
{'model': 'ACCESS1-0', 'scenario': 'historical', 'year': 1996},
{'model': 'BNU-ESM', 'scenario': 'historical', 'year': 1998},
{'model': 'ACCESS1-0', 'scenario': 'historical', 'year': 2001},
{'model': 'BNU-ESM', 'scenario': 'historical', 'year': 2003}]